and way cute (is that word overused?
It just always seems like the right one to use :)
Concerned, perhaps, by our ambition to hike Mt. O (seeing as how we live and walk at sea level), some friends told us to try this hike as a warm-up, so we did. Lake Blanche up Big Cottonwood Canyon - about 2 3/4 miles one way - the highest point is about 9,000 feet. We went on this hike yesterday and had an amazing time! We got to traipse through snow, and see Cottonwood blow gently in the breeze (we felt like we were in the Chronicles of Narnia, or something).
P.S. as an update, I have not been able to bring myself to eat any garlic since my garlic spree (wouldn't that be the worst flavor of the candy?!) earlier this month.