"You can hold me anytime..."

"Too cute for words, right? (wink, wink)"

"What? They're taking the marshmallows OUT of the lucky charms?!"
"No pictures please..."

"Whaddaya mean, mischevious?"

"Does this chair make my head look big?""

"Um...yes, I think that's a cockroach..."


"Uh, dad? The boogeyman is totally behind us right now."

"Sitting next to the Treble Maker!"

"Why does it feel like someone is watching me?"

"I have the greatest parents in the world!"... ["OK, where's my five dollars?"]

"This one's from my serious collection."

"This will get you anything, they say."

"Ladies..back up and make a line."

"Dad? You have a moco."

"OK, last picture guys."

"It was a long day"

"Irresistable." - Mom

"Wait a second!..."